Friday, July 16, 2010

Osaka Kix

Okay so to even be typing this for you guys we had to overcome the great evil that is the fhさどhsづ keyboard. No, I dont know what that means and no, I have no idea where the apostrophe key is. Ive been clicking okay to many screens of Japanese writing I cant actually read. It is a long and tiresome business attempting this (typing) and I greatly resent it. Hopefully our next post comes from our laptops.
So though Singapore airlines did their best, the flights were tiring and horridly uncomfortable. I attempted to sleep on a chair in Singapore airline and instead of stopping them, Sarah later revealled someone stopped to take a photo of me sleeping. Way to go Sarah, really. By the time we got to KIX this morning you really dont want to know what we looked like!
Changi (Singapore Airport) is pretty amazing, plants and gardens everywhere. Not sure whether real or fake. And to compare Osaka to Adelaide... well, Adelaide is probably about the same size as Osakas industrial district (which by the way, looks both hideous and way cool). We were incredibly lucky that Sarahs friend Miho (it is really annoying me to leave out apostrophes, btw) and her mother met us at the airport- we had to catch a bus and then the subway and still had trouble finding it. Bluntly, our room is a box, but its a nice box, and its our box. Ive already tried the strawberry and banana kit kat (really just tastes like banana... like a banana paddle pop) and now am enjoying the tv in so far as I totally have no idea whats going on. Hmm.
Sarah found apostrophe, I ain't going back to edit it now, knowing my luck I'd turn it all into kanji.
Everything is really expensive and often slightly heartbreaking- we found these delicious donuts I'd hoped were filled with jam but alas- red bean paste.
Just starting to realise we're here with red bean paste for a long, long time. Too late to reconsider? The temperature here is like being in Indonesia, only without all the palm trees. Sarah: "Yeah... I was thinking that the heat is like Bali or Fiji... but at least there it looks really nice and tropical... here it's just ...industrial...".
We're meeting Miho again tomorrow to do something, (which is good, cause let's face it, we understand NO Japanese. *Awkward face*)
Wish us luck, Amigos, or as the dangerously Spanish say, Mingers.
xxx Carlos


  1. Also, I should add.

    We bought Cocktails in a Can...from the supermarket! Haha They're only a dollar a can! That's definitly where Adelaide are lacking, and made a great (and cooling) celebratory drink with us and Miho.

    We also learnt that if you're not careful, you will get mowed down by a bicyclist. They may look like sweet little old ladies, but bikes rule the footpath in Japan. They even have carpark type things for them!

  2. OMG Carloy red bean paste!!! Haha I went to a noodle dumpling place on Wednesday night in Melbourne, thought to myself 'yes I will have one more spring roll' but alas. It was filled with red bean paste!!
    So devo. I was like, what's this jam shit!!

